We encourage prospective clients to read Training Flex Management Consulting’s terms and conditions, before any purchases.
Booking on behalf of the Client
- In all cases, the booker must bring these terms and conditions to the attention of Clients attending the event, if booking on their behalf. It is the booker’s responsibility to ensure that the Clients receive all the relevant information including the joining instructions, course and venue updates and that they meet the eligibility and published prerequisite requirements.
Onsite Training on a Client Specified Site
- It is the Client’s responsibility to provide all facilities, equipment, and setup required for the trainer to deliver the training. Training Flex Management Consulting reserves the right to cancel or discontinue the course if, in the Trainer’s opinion, the venue, equipment, or conditions are unsuitable
E-Learning, Online Learning
- Course enrolment, fees, and log-in credentials are strictly non-transferable and non-refundable. Fair Usage Policy and Intellectual Property Rights apply to access to study materials and the prohibition of material dissemination.
- MAVENSIDE SERVICES reserve the right to restrict access based on operational requirements including bandwidth consumption to ensure fair access to all learners. Access to e-learning/online products is granted for 180 days from the date of purchase. If you require an extension, please contact booking@maven-side.com to obtain an extension quotation.
- Whilst MAVENSIDE SERVICES endeavors to ensure that the information on the online platform is correct, we do not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the materials on the site and we make changes to the e-learning/online content from time to time, without notice. MAVENSIDE SERVICES reserves the right to change or alter course content from that which is published to maintain the high quality of the learning. All e-learning examinations are valid for 180 days from the date of purchase.